About the Project
The Bibliotheca Diocesis Macaonensis is a digital research library aimed to promote the study and research about the Catholic Missions and the Cultural Heritage in Asia, focusing on the regions historically related to the Catholic Diocese of Macau. The aim of this project is to gradually collect a digital representation of all documents and artworks related to the Catholic Diocese of Macau. Those who have some historical knowledge about the Catholic Missions in Asia are aware of the importance of Macau across the centuries and understand very well the magnitude and also the importance of this endeavour. We are well aware that this a neverending project but for the sake of our future generations and the memory of the Catholic Heritage we decided to move forward together with our partners and cooperating institutions, without them, this digital library would not exist.


University of Saint Joseph
Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Centre of Religious History Studies)
Centro Científico e Cultural de Macau

Scientific Comission
Selected list of scholars here...TBC soon.

Cooperating Institutions

Primary sources related to Catholic Missions in Asia and the Diocese of Macau are spread in collections held in different types of institutions around the world. Referencing them all in one place under the curation of an international research team of experts in different fields is the main objective of this project. 

The cooperation with these institutions is paramount to the success of this project. Without them these sources wold have been lost long time ago.